Sunday, February 22, 2009

Where's The Water Tower In Poptropica

If the stock market fall

The Dax is apparently about to fall below the limit of 4,000 points - since me an old poem comes to mind:

When falling stock prices,
stirs trouble in almost all, but
some bloom on
your recipe called short sale.

Keck hawk these boys
things they do not even have
occur even going to crash, they need
- really splendid!

Lightweight yet in such acts
they are doing with derivatives:
coiffed If the value of paper,
is potentiated the effect.

If as a result banks crash, savers
have to laugh at anything, and the mortgage on the house

means residents have to get out. Does

's major banks, however, comes
the whole world shaken -
the speculators now trembles at hatching

Should we compromise the system? Since
must be exceeded:
The profit that remains private, the losses
purchased by the state.

To achieve this, the government loans, and reiterates
one has yet in that country
the government in the hand.

for the bills this Frechen
has the little man to cough up
and - this is fine indeed -
not only in America!

And if prices rise again,
starts from the front of the dance - is
containing pure redistribution,
only in one direction always.

But should the masses
the times can never offer
is the way out long ago considered:
is then made little war.

free after Kurt Tucholsky, (1930, "The World Stage")


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