Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Constant Herpes And Hiv

waldgaenger @ 2009-06-23T21: 35:00

Fahrenheit 451 -. Ray Bradbury

Only at first glance, the book is directed against censorship, but rather it is the leveling of society on the lowest level shown. The man is a pure consumer and stop critical, or just in general thinking. I would rather the book as a "love letter" to books and generally see their profound link to the "culture of criticism", if one can call it that. Granted I have the book read long ago and so now I find it more difficult for a few thoughts on the book to write down. A few short sections of text but I had already listed the reading, this I can just fall back and let them speak for themselves here ....

"It did not come from above, from the authorities. It did not start with regulations and censorship, no! Technology, mass culture and minority pressure brought it finished, thank God, all by itself. We owe it, if our life happiness remains undimmed today if we are allowed to read comic books, life confessions or journals. "(Page 67)

& bdquo ; See a now why books are hated and feared? They show the face of life with all its pores. The shopkeeper will only wax faces with no pores, no hair, no expression. "(Page 93)

" The TV is "reality", it suggests itself, it has scale. It bleut a one, what one has to think. It must be right yes, it has the appearance of its own. It breaks with a so irresistible, while always wants it that you do not happen to rebel against the sad nonsense. "(P. 93f)

Finally, a separate scraps of thought, the match this contribution as a side note,
Instead of worrying if I choose more often the easy way out and bum around in front of the boob tube. Take me there from meaningless items sprinkle. I am aware that these programs are not able to fill the emptiness, but I wonder whether this increase is not just the void yet?


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