Wednesday, March 31, 2010
I'm in a Coffin - Life is My Coffin (One Final Action)
My continued existence is worse than death
Yet I still live on
Trying to force apathy upon myself
To replace my depression with numbness
I tell myself that it’s worked…
That I don’t feel anything anymore…
But deep down, I know that I’ll never
Be anything resembling “positive”
Life is my coffin
And it’s time to shut the lid.
One final action
And this will all end…
One final action
And this will all end…
One final
action ... I can not fight the inevitable ...
So I embrace it ... Embrace
suicide ... I want to die alone and cold, And hating myself for
every moment of hope that I ever had
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Types Of Business Agreement
Vor sieben Jahren beginnt mit einem gezielten Bombardement auf Bagdad der Dritte Golfkrieg der "Koalition der Willigen" unter der Führung der Vereinigten Staaten gegen den Irak.
by: Tony728
Outdoor Garbage Can Ontario
Am 20. März 1995 wurden von fünf Ōmu-Shinrikyō-Mitgliedern zur morgendlichen Hauptverkehrszeit in fünf im Bahnhof Kasumigaseki zusammentreffenden Pendlerzügen von drei Tokioter U-Bahn-Linien in Zeitungspapier eingewickelte Kunststoffbeutel deponiert, die das Nervengas Sarin enthielten. Unmittelbar before exiting the perpetrators drilled holes with umbrellas in the 11 bags distributed to release the liquid sarin. The assassins escaped initially provided by their disembarkation stations run cars with a driver. The escaping vapors spread to the affected subway and about 15 subway stations. The stop altogether 12 people died (nine at once, an later the same day, two more after a few weeks), there were about 1,000 injured, 37 of them seriously (5,000 reported in hospitals).
The reasons for the relatively small number of victims were the relatively poor quality of the sarin, the less effective method of propagation and effective response by the Japanese security authorities and experts for the defense against chemical warfare.
Source: C5% C5% 8D% 8Cmu_Shinriky
Yasmin And Breast Lumps
Ron Kovic just issued this passionate call to action, urging everyone to hit the streets in protest on March 20:
"Like many Americans who served in Vietnam and those now serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, and countless human beings throughout history, I had been willing to give my life for my country with little knowledge or awareness of what that really meant. I trusted and believed and had no reason to doubt the sincerity or motives of my government.
“It would not be until many months later at the Veterans Hospital in New York that I would begin to question whether I and the others who had gone to that war had gone for nothing. Nearly 42 years have passed since then and the tragic lessons of Vietnam continue to go unheeded. The same old patterns of war, lies, aggression and brutality continue to repeat themselves. Another country, another occupation, another reason to hate and fear, but in the end it is the same crime being committed over and over again, the same innocent civilians being killed, the same young men and women returning home in caskets and body bags and wheelchairs.
“We can no longer remain silent. Too many have died already. How many more senseless wars, flag draped caskets, grieving mothers, paraplegics, amputees, stressed out sons and daughters, innocent civilians slaughtered, before we finally begin to break the silence of this shameful night?
“Many of us trusted and believed that change would come, that these wars would end, and that finally we would be listened to but that is not at all what has happened. We have been tragically misled. We have been deceived and betrayed. We had been promised peace and we have been given war. We had been told there would be change but nothing is changing. The same patterns repeat themselves. Rather than learning the lessons from the disastrous fiasco in Iraq our government continues down the path of destruction, brutality, aggression and war, dragging us into another senseless and unnecessary conflict in Afghanistan.
“America is headed in the wrong direction, and I want to encourage everyone to join with us on Saturday, March, 20th to once again proudly and passionately fill the streets of our country and raise your voices on behalf of peace and nonviolence and an end to the war in Afghanistan. War is not the answer. Violence is not the solution. A more peaceful world is possible.”
- Ron Kovic, Vietnam Veteran, author, "Born on the Fourth of July"
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