Saturday, March 20, 2010

Outdoor Garbage Can Ontario

Today 15 years ago: poison gas attack in the Tokyo subway

Am 20. März 1995 wurden von fünf Ōmu-Shinrikyō-Mitgliedern zur morgendlichen Hauptverkehrszeit in fünf im Bahnhof Kasumigaseki zusammentreffenden Pendlerzügen von drei Tokioter U-Bahn-Linien in Zeitungspapier eingewickelte Kunststoffbeutel deponiert, die das Nervengas Sarin enthielten. Unmittelbar before exiting the perpetrators drilled holes with umbrellas in the 11 bags distributed to release the liquid sarin. The assassins escaped initially provided by their disembarkation stations run cars with a driver. The escaping vapors spread to the affected subway and about 15 subway stations. The stop altogether 12 people died (nine at once, an later the same day, two more after a few weeks), there were about 1,000 injured, 37 of them seriously (5,000 reported in hospitals).

The reasons for the relatively small number of victims were the relatively poor quality of the sarin, the less effective method of propagation and effective response by the Japanese security authorities and experts for the defense against chemical warfare.

Source: C5% C5% 8D% 8Cmu_Shinriky



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