Sunday, September 20, 2009

Chinese Mobile Themes

The lepers of our time

you will not be tolerated in our society. They are forced to live in a camp under a bridge - without water, electricity, heating and sanitation. You may not leave the county, who have electronic shackles ...

"sex offender" in the U.S.. rolled

In the mid-nineties, after years of escalating violence, the great law-and-order wave across the country, many politicians discovered that severe punishments for sex offenders guarantee electoral success. Avalanche tightened to the laws, starting with a dramatic expansion of the criteria for sexual offenses.

counts in five states, sex with prostitutes to in 13 peeing in public, sex with minors in 29 states, even if it was by mutual agreement, not to mention from sex between a 18-year-olds and a 17-year-olds, the constellation that is mentioned in the debate "Romeo and Juliet".

But it was not for the criminalization of harmless acts, which were now treated as rape and child abuse. Gradually led the states a legal special treatment of the "Sex Offenders", which the radical right after the detention limit. You must sign up for decades, in 17 states, even to the end of their lives public.

are from 2010, these databases in all states required. And as more and more acts are punishable as sexual offenses, more and more people are covered by the registration. The number of registered sex offenders is growing explosively. There were 674 000 last year. Child molesters and rapists are multiple, as love among 19-year-old girl.

A 19 year old who sleeps with his 15-year-old girlfriend and denigrated by their parents to the police is because they have something against him, is treated exactly like a 30-Jae olds who raped an eight-year-old. "The" residence restrictions "have other undesirable effects. They focus on sex offenders isolated places, far away from social control. And smother it by declaring the offender to Outlaw for life, his natural sense of responsibility to society.

short: Who was not a monster at his sentencing, it is in places like the camp under the bridge. For any case is so, at least in Florida, examined each sex offender before his release on his hazardous they are. Who is a threat to its surroundings, remains imprisoned. The same Justice, which classifies an offender so as not dangerous enough to release him from prison treated him until his death like a time bomb.

And we get upset over the Sharia ...

I cling desperately to the hope that Article 1 GG such practices in Germany impossible.



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