Sunday, June 3, 2007

Is Vitamin B12 Recommended Daily Does

0150383 @ 2007-06-03T13: 12:00

It's really not politically correct, but I like the G8 summit, simply because they are entertaining. Somehow belongs in recent years to the year end, is almost part of folklore. It was almost festive (Christmas?) Instead of street lighting will hold for weeks castles and walls built. If the big party is coming follows the traditional parade of the assembled guilds:

Civil constructive critics that are always used as a background image for the start block in the news, which reads "It all started peacefully ..." The colorfully-costumed

and music-making-not-know-exactly-what-they-want to follow then: "... the colorful train began to move.

The group in fetish uniforms has her perform "... the police were present at 8 billion man but stayed in the background at first, as part of the de-escalation tactics

The group of ambitious sporty" ... among the motley crew but also mixed a group of 34 324 violent autonomous from the so-called black block was "

The group join the Fetish Uniform without uniforms are a bit on the sporty want" ... when suddenly out of the black block of a branch of the xy Bank / Mcdonald's / market / police car was attacked "

Then can start the main event, a few suburban Revolutionary War play to their big brothers are reasonable and are in between. Nothing but benefits, benefits do nothing.

At the end of sad faces among the organizers ("... have such an escalation neither wanted nor expected ...") and wonderful headlines for the Sunday press. And in the morning reading, one is a calm but somehow, the world may turn but remains G8 G8. Are somehow dependent in life, in such a fast time.

are interesting whatever the current trends in castles. Currently, the vast fences Renner, distance is a massive construction going on. The stacked containers Genoa have been rather out, have not proved successful from the perspective of the lords more. The choice of the location of the spectacle is always exciting, even here the trend is likely to go in the direction of country life and the funny times when you bring such events in the cities should also be even more historical.


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