Thursday, April 17, 2008

How To Build Satellite Tripod

waldgaenger @ 2008-04-18T08: 38:00

Since the last entry, nothing substantial has changed. Although the situation has improved in some areas, it was only natural that it has deteriorated in other areas. In the end stands have everything back on and things are still an almost unbearable slope. I really do not know why I write an entry anyway, so maybe I do not quite fall silent or unconsciously because I try to fight it? It could find many reasons, but tells me not to really.

I have long wondered whether I should undertake a revision of the previous entry. I decided against it, but I take up the idea again. Whether the words were sharply in the previous post, I can not say, but I believe that my (former?) Feelings have described quite appropriately. I need to be aware that I am destined to become a bankrupt and failed existence and I have taken this route already. To call this fact not only awareness, but also to accept, probably, a life's work, with its uncertain outcome. Can I find it to award a "failed existence" in order to embody this company? I take a derogatory term of the mass man for me, which I made clear I am not an integrated part of the company and convert it into an elite award. The fact an elitist, almost certainly an amoral, thinking and possibly also formed action is a necessary and logical conclusion for me. Since I am not able see to formulate this idea to my satisfaction, I resort to a quotation.

"Every individual, if he only has himself destroyed the society chooses, may immediately proceed to enforce this destruction and the outer component of society, inasmuch as he is not at all, despised himself in this form still with her leave, because he prefers, in the distance, in a natural landscape as perpetrators or in the hermetic isolation of a large city room to give as a thinker and dreamer to his will the rank of an absolute authority "

By Ernst Jünger from" The Adventurous Heart -. First version - Records by day and night "- page 141 and following

Of course it is dangerous to use a quote and respond by the risk of (un) conscious misrepresentation. However, I can draw my benefit and I therefore create an attitude that wins through regular self-reflection in quality.


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