Wednesday, October 27, 2010

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situation in the German rear of razvedsvodok Lenfronta

St. 1941.
relationship between the Germans and the population in German-occupied territory

All occupied villages Osminskogo district of the entire Soviet, party and public asset Germans shot.

In many villages, the soldiers and officers are flirting with the population - children are treated to sweets, and sometimes women, but always start to day two of plunder, taking away everything: chickens, eggs, cattle, potatoes, and clothes. Especially Germans hunt for rubber, take even the old rubbers.
In some cases, pay for livestock taken the money. For the best cow paid no more than 25 brands.

in occupied areas of the entire population is outside the village - in the woods, but now the Germans issued an order to all go back to villages under threat of execution or execution.
In all villages the Germans disbanded collective farms, orders under threat of penalty proposed to remove the bread. Men / teenagers and the elderly / the night dash to separate Indoor / example Siverskaya in cinema / sheds etc. where sleep under guard.
The population is kept under supervision, often children reaching for mushrooms Germans searched.
For the wounded kp Tsam, communication with the guerrillas, all seen hanged or shot.
Harvesting Red Army dead farmers are prohibited, so in the district of the village. Genkovo lay up to 350 semi-decomposed corpses cr samples.

population is hostile to the Germans, and despite all the threats of the Red Army and partisans provide assistance to: bring the bread, give room for the night.
In der. Mazanov Hill farm chairman Anna Egorova for partisans t.Kirsanova averted plot of potatoes and vegetables is constantly supplied.
In der. Peri farmer / ethnic Chinese / make available to their squad t.Kirsanova home gardens.
In der.Nikolaevskoe / Osminskogo area / population is not provided by the partisans, but as Commissioner t.Egorov squad held a meeting which was elected chairman of the kolkhoz / a headman fled / guerrillas regularly provided with food.
In the district of der.Uste guerrillas found a lot of German leaflets with the resolution: "If you do not know how to write competently, it is better not hold it, our warrior knows what struggles. In der.Mazanaya Gorka in huts guerrillas met treatment Comrades Voroshilov and Zhdanov.
But part of the population is poor and refuses to help the Red Army and partisans, and especially Estonians, Finns, "offended" in Russian. For example, in der.Orovka hiding about 15 people and Estonian youth has been collecting all weapons from the battlefield, that is brought into the village and handed to the Germans. Estonian and Finnish population Osminskogo district Germans treated obsequiously. In der. Pushkin / Osminskogo district / barn on the Estonian court was an inscription in German language: "commandeer the following orders prohibited»
In many villages there are German agents in civilian clothes, so for example, near the villages - Mushroom pickers, Rybolovichi as agents sought for cattle.


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