Monday, October 18, 2010

Windows Track Unauthorized Access

Excerpt interrogation

Lyuevsky Alfred, 1910 born on g.Lyutsen, East Prussia, from a family working Mostovschikov. His father died in 1936. Mother - 72 years old, lives in Lutzen. Has two brothers, on - and two married employees sisters living in Königsberg.

secondary education. Political party affiliation. Before the army was a member of the National Socialist youth organizations.

In 1931, after graduating from high school he went voluntarily to the army.

fighter pilot shot down in late June 41 th to the northern front. An excerpt of interrogation, where Hauptmann says about the war with the Soviet Union and National Socialism in the army:

QUESTION: How do you estimate you started the war by Germany against the USSR?

ANSWER: We are German officers and soldiers to do what we ordered commanders and chiefs. Against the Soviet Union, I have nothing, but I do not know what caused Hitler started the war with the Soviet Union, apparently non-compliance of the agreed commitments. Germany needs bread, bread, bread and oil. As a man, I have this War is regarded, as the annihilation of mankind, but Germany deceived the world into this war hoping to get in the country of the sun (?) bread and oil.

QUESTION: Germany has no bread?

ANSWER: No, she has, but it is not enough for her.

QUESTION: Are you in the Nazi party in Germany?

ANSWER: Soldiers are prohibited.

QUESTION: What is discipline in the German army?

ANSWER: Strict and conscious discipline of duty protecting the homeland

QUESTION: How is political work among the soldiers?

ANSWER: Since early childhood, people in Germany, educated in the National Socialist spirit that further supported by the army officers. Party of National Socialists in the army has nothing to do.

On the proposal to write a letter home, wrote two lines: "I'm dying far from home. Goodbye! Alfred Dyuevsky »

says eagerly, but not truthful.

survey produced

Military Engineer 3 rank / Lahtaev /

Translator Military Technician of rank 2 / Dzarahohov /

July 7, 1941


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