Saturday, October 16, 2010

Why Am I Cold After I Masterbate

A commitment to patriotism

According to his unspeakable utterances a week ago Horst Seehofer German parliament sat at the JU to greater heights:

It should not be "constantly apologize that it has a love for their country." There is every reason to be proud of Germany.

What he talking about? He is doing as if patriots are similarly despised minority, as there are migrants so slow!

I see myself as a German patriot. I am proud of our country and what it has done. And as a patriot, I want it in the future our country is better off - but that is certainly not with the reactionary visions of the future Horst Seehofer, and like-minded people whose world view in recent decades has developed.

We were there once more. Take the immigration debate, and as an example a small anecdote from my home town of Erlangen : In the 17th Century that the local rulers of the possibilities of migration and allowed religious refugees, the French Huguenots to settle in the city. They brought with her weaving factory and brought before the great economic boom for the city.

And today trumpeted Seehofer that we do not need more immigration from "other cultures" - despite the aging population and skills shortages. Immigration is always more difficult by bureaucratic hurdles, such as the stricter rules for spouses. All this hurts the long term only our country, and the Seehofersche populism and his screaming that "multiculturalism dead" would, makes it worse. Looks as good practices the patriotism? I think not!

But the constant agitation against migrants is only a symptom of lack of patriotism of our major parties. For example, the nuclear compromise Germany sabotaged many opportunities by the quasi-monopoly on the German electricity market helped their new investments in future technologies in the coming decades, as small as low as possible, and instead of completely outdated power plants rake in money. And the SPD, with its unconditional support for a variety of bankrupt industries better here one iota.

No, lived patriotism is not always a nostalgic, idealized "golden age" zurückzutrauern that was not actually golden Sun Patriotic is to continue development of the basic structures of Germany, so live that our children and grandchildren in a wealthy, healthy, and sustainable land!

And very few parties have even close to a policy that looks to the future rather than the past is. Yesterday I had to


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